After what felt like the longest 2 years of our lives, there is definitely some light at the end of the tunnel! We have undoubtedly passed the peak of the COVID pandemic, which means that many restrictions have been lifted and, even better, we can now finally TRAVEL!
While this is possibly the best news for tourism not only in South Africa but worldwide, there are still some precautions that are in place when travelling internationally. In this blog, we will share some items that you should add to your packing list when travelling both locally and internationally.
There’s nothing quite like the sound of your suitcase wheels on airport floors, but being a transitional* place for so many travellers from different parts of the world, the airport in our opinion at least, is still one of the riskiest places to be when it comes to Covid-19.
We probably know this all too well by now but sanitising, masking, and social distancing are proven ways to minimise your chances of catching the virus and so to start off this list a good sanitiser and disposable masks take priority.

Picture Source: Canva
Now we’ve all come across those gluey sticky sanitisers which leave your hands feeling heavy, or those that you can smell a mile away, or better still those that make your hands feel like sandpaper, but when you’re travelling you will definitely need a good quality, hand-friendly (yes we just made that term up) sanitiser, that will last the duration of your trip (remember it needs to be less than 100mls to be carried in hand luggage). You will probably be sanitising your hands more often than you think which is why a good sanitiser when travelling is a great investment.
Disposable masks
We all have a face mask or 5 which we swear by and have been termed the favourite but when travelling, you don’t want to spend time washing face masks of all things. Disposable face masks are ideal for flights (yes you still have to wear a face mask throughout your flight), exploring, and are generally more convenient than the cloth ones.
Medication and vitamins, especially Vitamin C to boost your immune system should also be packed just in case you get a slight tickle in your throat or worse, you catch the virus. Carrying these meds with you will allow you to be prepared for the worst-case scenario and especially if you’re travelling alone and have to isolate yourself, you will have access to some medication should you fall ill.
Gloves/ Disinfectant wipes
For those a little more concerned, disposable gloves and disinfectant wipes are also a great addition to your packing list – this way you can ensure that all surfaces you come into contact with can be wiped down for the least amount of chance for transmission of the virus. Most airlines do offer these to passengers on board now.
Vaccination card/ negative PCR test
While most countries have now fully opened up travelling to and from their country, many of them require either a vaccination card, a negative PCR test (which most likely should not be older than 72 hours), or in some cases, both. With so many things to think about like sanitising keeping your mask on and what you’re going to eat on the plane, we advise having a 1 or 2 printed copies of your vaccination card/certificate as well as a digital version, just in case they get lost or you lose your phone.
Travel insurance
This is probably the most important item we could suggest when travelling during a pandemic. While travelling is becoming more and more normal, let’s be honest – there are so many things that can go wrong when travelling during a pandemic, like the unthinkable of catching Covid-19 in a foreign city. It’s bad enough that you will be sick, but not being able to jump on a flight or get back home while being ill is probably the worst feeling. This is why travel insurance is so important! Most travel insurance policies will cover your medical needs if you are hospitalised due to Covid-19 while travelling as well as pay for some if not all of the accommodation costs if you have to isolate and miss your flight. If you are looking for travel insurance for an upcoming trip, look no further because we offer this service right here at b4i.travel https://b4i.travel/travel-insurance/.
Being able to travel again feels like it is bringing back some normality and some reminiscence of life before the pandemic, but it’s so important to go fully prepared and minimise the chances of catching the virus while travelling. We hope that this article helps you pack accordingly for your upcoming trip during the pandemic, now all that’s left to say is Bon Voyage!

Picture Source: Canva